Monday, February 1, 2010

Sedated excitements of domesticity.

I was killing time on a lazy monday afternoon (yep, im at work. haha) when i decided to scan my yahoo inbox and peek through my spam folder.

There seemed to be something interesting to one of the spam mails, as the subject reads "hi (sketches)" . I felt a rush of exaltation, as i discerned that this is something related to my blogsite SKETCHES, so there i was, the curious me, opened the email, and JARAN!!!

hi i cam across your blog when i search on bob ongs quotes i find you blog very interesting can i add you up on my la liga blog section sa blog ko? you can also add my blog on your list if you like. thanks willo wait for your reply.

I immediately clicked on the blogspot link and lo and behold, i was more than perplexed to discover an almost equal organism of my alien world.

I am not a proponent in splitting universes, but browsing through the blogger profile and his posts, it felt as if we were both in a translucent moment of different spaces. I had goosebumps really. It was as if i am looking straight in a mirror. Same movies, same books, same canon in d, same interests... all those things rang a hundred bells inside me.


Strange ne?

Made an effort to contact the blogger through the contact info he left on his email. I was given the opportunity to speak to him, (thanks for the virtual insanity) and told me that he felt exactly the same when he came across my sketches.

Sedated excitements of domesticity.

It felt home after my discovery that someone out there could co-exist in my own labyrinth of surprises, as i communicate my life and stories, my oddity, my stupidity and my whole heart and soul in my one and homey space... SKETCHES.