Thursday, May 21, 2009

I am ready Lord. If You will, please take me.

Sometimes, i sleep with a heavy heart and ask the Lord to take me before the sun shines. My spirit, bedridden for the most part, knew this isn't a mere escape from the harsh realities of tomorrow, but of absolute submission to His will.

I am ready Lord. If You will, please take me.

I am ready Lord. If You will, please take me.

I am ready Lord. If You will, please take me.

Like a song running through my brain like an audio on loop ... as i finally give the evening the slip and slid gently into good night.


I am really blessed.

The more i thought (or prayed!) of not being able to wake up the next morning, the more God had wanted me to experience life's abundance as i bask in the limelight the next day.

And i woke up to a sweet voice that sprang life to me.


Like magical incantations, the words lavished a tempering effect in my mind and heart, like a soothing hum of the universe that wafted into my soul. A reminder for that single pill to globe trot my being. A reminder that time as vast as a desert had lost all demarcations i had set upon my sufferings. Like one huge shot of adrenaline in my veins, you can only imagine what bliss that moment brings.

In my days of diminished expectations and augmented consternation, is it the pill that keep me alive, or that moment of bliss?

It's a query that I'm still mulling over.
