share a life with me. draw with me. play with me. sing with me. read with me.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Missing you is an understatement.
It's more than just a feeling of longingness. Admittedly, it's been very uncomfortable the past few days. I tried to comfort myself into thinking that life goes on each day, and that i may have to live my life fully in accordance to God or Allah's will.
The other night it was you who have accompanied me to dreamland. I was afraid i won't be able to even see you, because a certain authority has forbidden me. It's strange, but i found myself crying when i woke up. I had to stop the misery and think of ways to compose myself. I had to sleep with the guitar beside me, read the notes over and over again, until the god of somnolence quietly beckoned me in his kingdom.
The night after, i was with you. It's strange how my dreams were rearrange this way. I dunno. Maybe it's because you were never out of my mind since day one. I really do not want to be this sentimental all those times you are in the desert, but sometimes, i do recognize a need to let this kind of feeling resurface.
It's more than just missing you je. Hope you are doin' good.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Thanks God!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Night sky
You are always missed.
costs me a lot of energy but paid me a dividend in the form of spatial bonus and good feelings
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
i fell in love with the sky tonight as i watch the blazing starlike jupiter near tonight’s moon
Today Earth passes between the sun and Jupiter, placing Jupiter opposite the sun in our sky. Astronomers call this event an opposition of Jupiter. The 2010 opposition is Jupiter’s closest since 1963. Plus, Jupiter is near tonight’s moon.
The giant planet is now lighting up the September night from dusk until dawn. It will remain close and bright throughout the second half of September. Although it’ll dim slightly by October, more people will notice Jupiter next month, because it will appear in the east already as the sun is setting in the west.
Why is Jupiter closer at some oppositions than others? It’s because Jupiter’s orbit – like Earth’s orbit – isn’t perfectly round. Jupiter happens to be near its closest point to the sun in its 12-year orbit around the sun. That closest Jupiter-sun distance will come in March 2011. We’re passing between Jupiter and the sun – so Jupiter is closer to us than usual at this year’s opposition. Jupiter won’t come this close to Earth again until the year 2022.
Jupiter comes to opposition every 13 or so months, as Earth takes this long to travel once around the sun relative to Jupiter. Jupiter’s closest approach to Earth for the year always falls on or near this planet’s opposition date. In 2010, Jupiter came nearest to Earth on September 20, at 21 hours Universal Time (4 p.m. Central Daylight Time).
However, Earth flies in between the sun and Jupiter today at 12:00 Universal Time. That is 7 a.m. Central Daylight Time on September 21. When it is opposite the sun, astronomers say that Jupiter is in opposition. The king planet now rises in the east at sunset, and sets in the west at sunrise. At midnight, Jupiter climbs highest in the sky.
And, because it’s opposite the sun around now, you can see Jupiter at any time of night. For example, you can see it in the south at midnight tonight, when the sun is below your feet. At dawn tomorrow, you’ll see Jupiter low in your western sky. At opposition, Jupiter shines at its brightest in our sky.
You would need at least 80 Jupiters – rolled into a ball – to be hot enough inside for thermonuclear reactions to ignite. In other words, Jupiter is not massive enough to shine as stars do. But Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. So when the sun goes down on these September 2010 nights, you might – if you’re fanciful enough – imagine bright Jupiter as a tiny sun all night long.
Jupiter’s greatest distance from us will come when Jupiter is behind the sun from Earth in April 2011. Let’s see . . . closest in late September . . . farthest a bit more than six months later in early April 2011. You might see that Jupiter’s distance from us, as well as its location in our sky, is being driven primarily by Earth’s year-long orbit around the sun.
That’s because Earth travels around the sun in an orbit that’s closer to the sun than Jupiter. Our orbit is smaller, and we move faster in orbit than does the solar system’s king planet. Earth travels at a speed of about 18 miles per second in orbit, in contrast to about 8 miles per second for Jupiter.
Be sure to look for Jupiter near the moon tonight. They will be beautiful on this night of Jupiter’s opposition. And remember, this September 2010 opposition of Jupiter counts as extra special – Earth’s closest encounter with Jupiter since the year 1963!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
The passing of time has imbued myself with courage of greater intensity, all the more, numbness? =))
Last week, two women in my life had made a monumental step in their own lives. My youngest sister got married last Tuesday, and my dearest friend Jellie last Saturday. Both occasions are indeed very exhausting, but the good feelings, memory and maturity, are more golden than ever. The sweet remembrances bring a twinkle to the eye and lightness of spirit. Congratulations to my two dearest sisters! I so love you both.
The recent events had somewhat made me undergone a method of crypsis or disambiguation. I just suddenly want to hide six feet under to avoid the glare of public attention, asking when my turn would be. hahaha. Their questions became mnemonic devices that brought to the fore old stories and memories of the love i have found and lost, long forgotten feelings of affection, and the serenity of accepting what is to my world now. But admittedly, what seemed like big issues before have metamorphosed into learning stations, stepping stones to what i am now, and to where i will be, in the coming of days. The passing of time has imbued myself with courage of greater intensity, all the more, numbness? =))
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Money is, sometimes, indeed, the root of evil.
All i did was to help her make ends meet by giving her the opportunity to earn a little through the pastries that my sister has been baking.
She was earning a little, though not that big, by just sitting her ass off at her regular work, while my sister did the hard labor. My sister had been delivering the pastries to her friend, and she was given a portion of the earnings from it. It was like catching the showers of heaven.
But she wants more. She began asking for more, until greed has resurfaced her whole self. She began to suspect that my sister had been fooling her, that my sister hadn't been giving her what is due.
For crying out loud! My sister would never do that! She had been honest all the time, and had been giving what is due to be given.
It's so frustrating that my friend's greediness will take everything away from her.
My sister just want to stop doing business with her.
Money is, sometimes, indeed, the root of evil.
Tsk tsk tsk.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
luv mah manual stick
i love you sweetie. konting tiis pa, mawawala din ang kalampag sa ilalim =))
>> I didn't know that my mobile postpaid plan had been cut, my messages to ate weren't sent, had been waiting for half an hour until i realized that the messages were stuck in my outbox. Had to leave the place before i get penalized for clocking in late at work.
>> Was stuck in traffic at the National Highway plus the tollgate.
>> My fuel gauge blinked empty.
>> I forgot my packed lunch in fridge
>> i still need to run a couple of errands today: bank deposits, tarp printing for my sisters wedding tomorrow, purchase order of step up ring for andlou
>> returns of women "paraphernalias" to my kumpare
>> payments payments payments
>> car checking
>> speaker installations
>> work work work
>> emailing pictures of yesterday's highschool kita-kits
>> etc.
It's still a long list and a long day and i still need to finish a lot of work here at the forging plant. My energy has diminished a bit because i really had a bad dream about the superhero and i was kind of shooing away the negative waves that had been crossing my system.
SO please help me Lord.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Falling Man
One of the most haunting images captured from 9/11, it shows a man free-falling after he has jumped from one of the windows of North Tower. He was one of the people they call “Jumpers”, who chose to jump to their death rather than get suffocated by the smoke or get buried under the rubble. Some called them cowards, while some sensationalized them as tragic symbols of 9/11. But the fact of the matter is, it was a hard choice for anyone to make, and one can not really judge the decisions a person makes in times like these.
People, you rant so much about how you have a hard time making choices. Whether you should work on your assignment or go out with your friends. Whether you should date this guy or that guy. Whether you should break up with your boyfriend or not. Whether you should wear the pink blouse or the baby blue one.
Imagine the choice this man had to make.
here today
here today and tomorrow and the coming days i'll be working my ass off.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
maggie bath
my maggie needs a bath. will take temporary shelter for a quickie oil swab.
i think i'm getting hooked *big evil grin*
Thursday, September 9, 2010
false alarm
I'm dying to be with my hero coz i hell miss him so much. sigh.
Niweis, off muna for a dinner meeting. OT naman. Ok lang ^_^
lois: me? i've to work till 11pm. i'm a bit sleepy right now.
lai: you woke me up before the crack of dawn. you were saying something while you were sleeping *giggles*
lois: mee??!?!? what was i sayin?
lai: "PA ORDER NGA NG CHICKENJOY AT MC NUGGETS!!!" *laughs her ass off*
HOMAY! what's happened to me? I've been off with meat for over a month and i am happy with my fish and veggies. My subconscious is craving for chicken meat! =)) Holy chicken!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
now i'm here waiting for it to be finished.
have to wait till 11pm.
by weekend i have to change sweetie's tires.
waiting and waiting.
waiting for je.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Pain is fuel
But like real fuel, it can do two things.
Fuel can catch a spark and explode, destroying everything around it.
it can be harnessed in an engine and power a rocket to the moon.
Pain can destroy you or develop you.
It depends on how you respond to your pain.
If you respond with faith, pain can be the inner driving force that can change your life. Pain can be your fuel to rocket your launch to success. (Bo sanchez)
I'm too busy here at work :(
Will catch the bloggie later!
I got Je in my dreams last night. got to hug and kiss him. marvelous dream!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
am biting on a crunchy broas while sipping a cup of warm water.
on breaktime and relax mode.
hope to last till 3pm.
i'm missing je more and more each day.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Pass muna si lois.

This is the most astute demeanor to project.
Water, fish and veggies for me.
Nuff said.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Mother Teresa
People are often unreasonable, irrational and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Lord, take over
Jesus, increase my faith.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I'm missing you more each day.