share a life with me. draw with me. play with me. sing with me. read with me.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I ask Him to take away all my sorrows and pain.
I ask Him to make me stronger as i face all the seemingly insurmountable trials in my life.
I ask Him to take care of my family, friends and loved ones.
I ask Him to bless me with the gift of forgiveness, to those who continually puncture the wounds in my heart.
I ask Him to shower the world with love
To bring sunshine in our lives.
God bless us today.
Thanks for another life.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I'm in deep pain...digging deeper to find a reason to live.... i struggled and fretted how to get over this thing. i wanted to find some words that would stick with you, something that would maybe bring you a little peace and hope and wisdom whenever you thought about me...but naturally...the minute i try to come up with something deep and meaningful, my mind goes blank. I want to cry my guts out. I am filled with sadness and emotionally drained.
Pain. You just cant put it off. All you can do is delay it. Which is the worst thing you can do, because it festers. It grows huge and ugly. It builds up pressure and power. In the end, delaying it means you have more pain to deal with, not less. Because sooner or later, the pain finally breaks through all the defenses and settles in for good, long siege. That pain has no other plans for the foreseeable future. It unpacks its bags and prepares for a lengthy visit.
Pain has visited me. Longer than i have expected. Maybe even for a lifetime.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Good afternoon, fellow TSC members!
Good day to all!
Good afternoon, to the Management and staff of Integrated Recycling Industries and to my fellow TSC members!
hmmmnnn. Minsan naisip ko kung bobo ba ako or talagang pinagttripan nila. Kung talagang walang kwenta ung mga ginagawa ko o talagang iniinis na nila ako.
Nakakainsulto. Pro dapat matuto.
Buti sana kung isang beses lang nangyari. Pero kung paulit ulit na lang na ganito, ibig sabihin..hindi pa rin ako natututo?
Nakakaubos ng enerhiya.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Grasping the accounts of women's talents, successes, and accomplishments broaden a sense of what is possible for girls who eventually progress into women. Details about women and their successes gives males and females alike a view that dares to dispute some of our cultures' most unconscious and old-fashioned assumptions about women. These includes assumptions that women are only women enough behind a man, that all their actions are highly dependent on the man of their lives, whether a father, a brother, or a husband. But the reality is that of better existence for women. That a woman can take charge of their bodies, minds, lives, careers, finances and families in a way never before seen. A world of choices lay at their doors. Choices that did not always include men. Decisions that were career-oriented and goal driven. And being a woman is all about choices, the power and freedom never before obtained, embraced in mind, body and spirit.Thus, women's history becomes a story of inspiration, promise, possibility, purpose, and hope.

these are collective ideas from various posts in response to my dear kuya's request for a speech about women :)